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2024 Sauk County Junior Fair

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Viewing records 1401-1450 of 2837
Results last updated at: 01/13/2025 6:25 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
13-Cats / Adults (over 8 months) / 00008: Altered Males short hair
109 Wagner, Leo 766 Red Sauk Baraboo Valley
29 Smith, Adalee 840 Blue Sauk Endeavor
125 Metzger, Anya 962 Red Sauk Circus City
142 Lombard, Anna 1623 Red Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
13-Cats / Adults (over 8 months) / 00009: Altered Females - Long Hair
104 Kennedy, Madeline 686 Blue Sauk Jolly Beavers
144 Miller, Emelynn 1136 Blue Sauk Webster's Prairie
13-Cats / Adults (over 8 months) / 00010: Altered Females -Short Hair
124 Metzger, Jeena 888 Blue Sauk Circus City
137 Coy, Wyatt 1392 Best Decorated Cage Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
137 Coy, Wyatt 1392 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
167 Richard, Johanna 1397 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
13-Cats / Showmanship / 00015: Beg.Showmanship (Gr. 3-5)
108 Wagner, Jack 768 Blue Sauk Baraboo Valley
143 Miller, Lydia 1089 Red Sauk Webster's Prairie
142 Lombard, Anna 1624 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
13-Cats / Showmanship / 00016: Inter.Showmanship (Gr. 6-8)
104 Kennedy, Madeline 687 Red Sauk Jolly Beavers
144 Miller, Emelynn 1137 Red Sauk Webster's Prairie
167 Richard, Johanna 1398 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
168 Bussan, Rylee 1402 Blue Sauk Sauk-Prairie Earthlings
13-Cats / Showmanship / 00017: Sr.Showmanship (Gr. 9-13)
4 Terry, Grace 7 Blue Sauk Baraboo Valley
109 Wagner, Leo 767 Red Sauk Baraboo Valley
137 Coy, Wyatt 1393 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
14-Plant and Soil Science / Field Crops / 00001: Corn - 80-100 days, 3 stalks
183 Behn, Jed 2388 Merit Award Sauk Narrows Creek
183 Behn, Jed 2388 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek
296 Yanke, William 2561 Blue Sauk Active Strivers
301 Yanke, Laura 2629 Red Sauk Active Strivers
364 Gerike, Sarah 3334 Red Sauk Narrows Creek
14-Plant and Soil Science / Field Crops / 00002: Corn, 101 days+, 3 stalks
183 Behn, Jed 2389 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek
14-Plant and Soil Science / Field Crops / 00006: Oat Sheaf
296 Yanke, William 2560 Red Sauk Active Strivers
301 Yanke, Laura 2631 Red Sauk Active Strivers
14-Plant and Soil Science / Field Crops / 00008: Winter Wheat Sheaf
301 Yanke, Laura 2633 Blue Sauk Active Strivers
296 Yanke, William 2657 Blue Sauk Active Strivers
14-Plant and Soil Science / Field Crops / 00015: Hay
126 Cieslewicz, Landon 919 Red Sauk Webster's Prairie
390 Tremelling , Kaylee 3798 Merit Award Sauk Happy Hustlers
390 Tremelling , Kaylee 3798 Blue Sauk Happy Hustlers
14-Plant and Soil Science / Field Crops / 00019: Tallest stalk of corn
183 Behn, Jed 2390 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek
14-Plant and Soil Science / Vegetable Garden / 00025: Rhubarb, 6 stalks, 12" no lvs
378 Weiss, McKenna 3470 Merit Award Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
378 Weiss, McKenna 3470 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
14-Plant and Soil Science / Vegetable Garden / 00026: Sqaush
124 Metzger, Jeena 908 Red Sauk Circus City
14-Plant and Soil Science / Vegetable Garden / 00029: Radishes plate of 6
386 Petersen, Kaylee 3582 Red Sauk Narrows Creek
389 Petersen, Kendel 3693 Red Sauk Narrows Creek
14-Plant and Soil Science / Vegetable Garden / 00035: Dill- one plant
118 Metzger, William 874 Blue Sauk Circus City
386 Petersen, Kaylee 3586 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek
389 Petersen, Kendel 3690 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek
14-Plant and Soil Science / Vegetable Garden / 00036: Tomatoes, plate of 6
157 Achczynski, Ashlynn 1301 Red Sauk Circus City
14-Plant and Soil Science / Vegetable Garden / 00041: Cucumber, slicing, three
157 Achczynski, Ashlynn 1300 Red Sauk Circus City
14-Plant and Soil Science / Vegetable Garden / 00043: Peppers-Bannana-3
386 Petersen, Kaylee 3592 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek
389 Petersen, Kendel 3686 Merit Award Sauk Narrows Creek
389 Petersen, Kendel 3686 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek
14-Plant and Soil Science / Vegetable Garden / 00044: Herbs, one variety, named
35 Weidling, Emma 167 Blue Sauk Endeavor
134 Schachern, Grace 1019 Red Sauk Webster's Prairie
386 Petersen, Kaylee 3594 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek