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2024 Pierce County Fair

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Viewing records 2251-2300 of 5557
Results last updated at: 01/13/2025 8:35 AM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
4-H Arts and Photography / Applied Arts / 11: Cloverbud Applied Art Project
324 Hansen, Charlee 5442 Painted photo cube Multi-color Pierce
4-H Arts and Photography / Digital Imaging / 2: Digital Capture
353 Smith, Grant 6224 Dixon Ticonderoga Blue Pierce 4-H of the Upper Nisqually
445 Selkin, Solomon 7007 Nebula 8 hour photo Blue Grand Champion Pierce Amocat 4-H
4-H Arts and Photography / Fine Arts / 02: Drawing - Pen & Ink
317 Brant, Raegan 6086 Detail frame Multi-color Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
4-H Arts and Photography / Fine Arts / 03: Drawing - Pencil
119 Jones, Emillia 941 Pencil Drawing of a character Red Pierce Four Ever Green
289 Vance, Paige 3000 Dog Blue Grand Champion Pierce The Art of Dogs 4-H Club
136 Hogerhuis, Gracelynn 6174 Mouse with coffee White Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
136 Hogerhuis, Gracelynn 6176 Hamster Eating a Strawberry Red Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
4-H Arts and Photography / Fine Arts / 04: Drawing - Other
223 Wiren, Inessa 3655 Self Portrait Blue Reserve Champion Pierce Amocat 4-H
223 Wiren, Inessa 3656 Leaves Red Pierce Amocat 4-H
4-H Arts and Photography / Fine Arts / 05: Painting - Watercolor
225 Wiren, Bryna 3652 Bunny & Bamboo Blue Pierce Amocat 4-H
225 Wiren, Bryna 3654 Hubble Red Pierce Amocat 4-H
289 Vance, Paige 4886 Water-color mountains and lake reflection Blue Pierce The Art of Dogs 4-H Club
531 Brandt, Katie 5475 Motorcyle in Antibes France Blue Pierce Amocat 4-H
531 Brandt, Katie 5476 Church Alter Blue Reserve Champion Pierce Amocat 4-H
138 Hogerhuis, Paisley 6178 Flowers in the sunset Red Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
4-H Arts and Photography / Fine Arts / 06: Painting - Tempura Paint
317 Brant, Raegan 6087 Rainbow wood snowflake Multi-color Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
4-H Arts and Photography / Fine Arts / 08: Painting - Acrylic
75 James, Emma 569 Night scene with trees and horse Red Pierce A–Z 4-H Club
75 James, Emma 570 Horse running across beach Red Pierce A–Z 4-H Club
221 Kresta, Einin 2532 Abstract Painting White Pierce 4-H of the Upper Nisqually
221 Kresta, Einin 2533 Finger painting Red Pierce 4-H of the Upper Nisqually
280 Kresta, Nevina 2652 Acrylic painting of abstract paw print White Pierce 4-H of the Upper Nisqually
225 Wiren, Bryna 3644 Peanut dog Red Pierce Amocat 4-H
4-H Arts and Photography / Fine Arts / 09: Painting - Other and / or Mixed Media
75 James, Emma 571 Horses pulling carriage in snowstorm Red Pierce A–Z 4-H Club
75 James, Emma 572 Horses crossing snowy clearing Blue Pierce A–Z 4-H Club
75 James, Emma 573 unicorn in starry clearing Blue Pierce A–Z 4-H Club
223 Wiren, Inessa 3643 Chubby Birds Blue Grand Champion Pierce Amocat 4-H
223 Wiren, Inessa 3651 Jellyfish Blue Pierce Amocat 4-H
225 Wiren, Bryna 3653 Neighborhood Blue Pierce Amocat 4-H
223 Wiren, Inessa 3657 Flowers Red Pierce Amocat 4-H
318 Brant, Silas 6050 Footprints in the sand Red Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
317 Brant, Raegan 6095 Watercolor, pencil and crayon flowers Multi-color Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
317 Brant, Raegan 6096 Yellow fish in blue water Multi-color Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
4-H Arts and Photography / Fine Arts / 10: Cloverbud Drawing or Painting
290 Vance, Logan 4887 Watercolor Multi-color Pierce
500 Calogera, Adele 5263 "Meow-na Lisa" Multi-color Pierce
500 Calogera, Adele 5264 Homage to Monet Multi-color Pierce
4-H Beef / All Breeds ( Judged together) / 2: Mature Cow
113 Chopic, Chandolin 883 Blue Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
4-H Beef / All Breeds ( Judged together) / 4: Light Feeder Steer
372 Callahan, Kinley 4480 Blue Pierce Lacamas Valley 4-H
4-H Beef / All Breeds ( Judged together) / 5: Medium Feeder Steer
292 Hibbs, Alexis 2761 Blue Pierce Lacamas Valley 4-H
4-H Beef / All Breeds ( Judged together) / 6: Heavy Feeder Steer
46 de Graaf, Sawyer 612 Blue Grand Champion Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
122 Hibbs, Reese 2756 Blue Pierce Lacamas Valley 4-H
292 Hibbs, Alexis 2760 Blue Pierce Lacamas Valley 4-H
4-H Beef / All Breeds ( Judged together) / 7: Market Steer
372 Callahan, Kinley 4481 Red Pierce Lacamas Valley 4-H
4-H Beef / All Breeds ( Judged together) / 9: Bred and Owned
113 Chopic, Chandolin 884 Blue Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
4-H Beef / Fit and Showmanship / 1: Junior
292 Hibbs, Alexis 2759 Blue Reserve Champion Pierce Lacamas Valley 4-H
372 Callahan, Kinley 6845 Blue Grand Champion Pierce Lacamas Valley 4-H
4-H Beef / Fit and Showmanship / 2: Intermediate
30 Briggs, Leah 18 Blue Grand Champion Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
46 de Graaf, Sawyer 611 Blue Reserve Champion Pierce Outlaw Wranglers
122 Hibbs, Reese 943 Blue Pierce Lacamas Valley 4-H
156 Temple, Mj 1282 Blue Pierce Outlaw Wranglers